Licensing MLW Programming

Major League Wrestling’s MLW: Fusion (52 x 60’ per year) is a pro wrestling television series that is engineered to appeal to contemporary audiences that are looking for more story, more action and more risk in their pro wrestling.

The series features a combat sport-centered narrative and conflict-oriented trajectories to match its high octane action, and the diverse roster includes Low Ki and UFC veteran “Filthy” Tom Lawlor, including international stars such as Pentagon Jr., Rey Fenix, The Hart Foundation and Rush, as well as rising stars, Salina de la Renta and MJF, and many more.

Creatively managed by world-renowned pro wrestling executive Court Bauer, Major League Wrestling fuses great action with great story and is positioned to become the next great wrestling promotional company all over the world.

Interesting Facts

  • Delivered Weekly
  • 52 x 60′
  • Professional Combat Sport
  • Cutting edge athleticism
  • Familiar talent with a mixture of internationally recognized wrestlers, MMA fighters and top ranked stars.

Interested in licensing the rights to MLW?