Matthew Justice

Height: 6’1″
 220 lbs.
Hometown: Venice Beach, CA
Signature Moves: Air Justice, Throes Of Rejection, Justice Driver

Immune to fear, “Thrash” isn’t afraid to dive from a balcony or spill blood to ensure maximum carnage. 

Thriving on dangerous situations, when Justice is in that ring extreme annihilation is likely.

Tough as they come, Matthew Justice excites the crowds with his high risk, high reward approach to a fight. Known to jump off just about anything, Justice is a rare breed of brawler, with a penchant for being fearless. 

A member of the Second Gear Crew, there may be no tougher trio in the sport, between Justice, 1 Called Manders and Mance Warner. Highwaymen known for kicking it into second gear in their matches and when raising hell drinking, the SGC is a wild bunch of dudes.

The “Madman of the Mosh” promises to shred and shatter anyone or anything in his way to getting the win.