Rickey Shane Page

Height: 6’5″
 288 lbs.
Hometown: Sandusky, OH
Signature Move: GTF (chokeslam kick)

Rickey Shange Page has decimated adversaries from Tokyo to Ohio and all points in-between.

“The Human Slaughterhouse” has already left a trail of wreckage in MLW in his wake.

Vowing to scar and maim all in his way, the 6’5′ RSP is a lethal dose of death match brawling and technically excellence.

Emerging as a part of The Calling, alongside Raven, AKIRA and numerous still unknown gas mask cloaked individuals, The Calling are responsible for countless attacks on the roster.

Leaving an ominous calling card in their wake, the enigmatic Calling have cast a dark, smokey shadow over the league.